3000km, 5 Days, 3 Life-Changing Business Principles: What the Open Road Taught Me About Success in 2025
Last week, I had the great privilege of riding over 3000km on my Harley with my two brothers from other mothers, Steve and Tony, through NSW and Victoria. The route was Sydney, Jindabyne, Wangaratta, Mildura, Wagga, and home. I have to tell you, being on the open road, looking at this incredible country of ours—the changing landscapes, the sun, the rain, and everything in between—was truly a life-changing experience. Not to mention some of the best riding roads in the country and towns that otherwise I would never visit, meeting people I wouldn’t have met…
Spending almost 40 hours in the saddle gives you what's known as great “helmet time.” The open road, the rumble of the motor, the music, and most importantly, my thoughts, led me to some pretty intense "aha" moments that I want to share with you…
Here’s the truth about running a successful, scalable business in 2025:
Most people and businesses aren’t failing from lack of opportunity, money, or bad relationships—they’re drowning in complexity, overthinking, and the lack of decision-making… period!
Here’s What I Mean
A tour like this teaches you not to overcomplicate things. Simply set the destination, start the bike, make sure you have a map to get there, and squeeze the throttle. Of course, you have to navigate the terrain, adjust to changes, refuel, and eat. However, most people don’t even get that far—they make things so complicated that they never even get started.
Riding 3000km in 44-degree conditions, followed by torrential rain, isn’t for everyone. If you stopped to overanalyse it, you’d never even take the bike out of the garage. It’s the same in business—dealing with money, clients, suppliers, staff, management, and so on comes with its own stress… right?
I started to think about how we can make all of this easier in 2025, which led to three key principles that you can apply in business and life:
Now, You Can Apply These Principles by Simply Asking the Following:
Will whatever I’m about to do, apply, purchase, or create make my life and business simpler?
Can it create structure and focus?
Can it help with scalability? (In life terms, will it add to my happiness and fulfilment?)
What I witnessed is that when you strip all the noise away, and it’s just you, the bike, and the road, the destination isn’t the only goal—it becomes about the journey and the real-time feedback.
The more miles I did, the clearer things became. I started to embrace happiness and experiences through simplicity. Things like traffic, heat, and an emu or kangaroo were all a part of what was unfolding in front of me in real-time. Things that are already complicated—navigation, fuel stops, rough roads—become less distracting and more enjoyable to manage.
Think about that for a second: The simpler things are, the easier they are to execute, manage, and repeat.
Here Are a Few Questions to Consider for Your Business as You Move into 2025 Using These Three Principles:
What if your business could run on five key systems instead of 15?
What if your team had absolute clarity on their roles?
What if you could scale without adding complexity?
What if you could spend less time working and double your income?
What if you could take more holidays, and everything ran better?
What if your business thrived with less input from you?
My goal is to continuously run my business, my team, and my clients through these three filters until we really start to create momentum—without the hustle we’re led to believe is necessary and without the complexity we think we need to experience. Most importantly, how can I create the outcome I desire with fewer moves, just like in chess? If you can achieve checkmate in three moves, it’s better than 20… right?
So My Question Is: What Will You Choose for Your Journey in 2025?
The same old way, or a simpler way of navigating through life?
The ONLY Way is UP!
Nick (Simple Simon) P
P.S. If you’re not already one of our cool clients and you’re ready to simplify and scale in 2025, let’s talk. Reply to this email, and let’s set up a 30-minute strategy session for your business. Chat soon!